
The Precambrian and Lower Palaeozoic foundations of the British Isles may be viewed as a series of suspect terranes whose exposed boundaries are prominent fault systems of various kinds, each with an unproven amount of displacement. There are indications that they accreted to their present configuration between late Precambrian and Carboniferous times. From north to south they are as follows. In northwest Scotland the Hebridean terrane (Laurentian craton in the foreland of the Caledonian Orogen) comprises an Archaean and Lower Proterozoic gneissose basement (Lewisian) overlain by an undeformed cover of Upper Proterozoic red beds and Cambrian to early mid Ordovician shallow marine sediments. The terrane is cut by the Outer Isles Thrust, a rejuvenated Proterozoic structure, and is bounded to the southeast by the Moine Thrust zone, within the hanging wall of which lies a Proterozoic metamorphic complex (Moine Supergroup) which constitutes the Northern Highlands terrane. The Moine Thrust zone represents an essentially orthogonal closure of perhaps 100 km which took place during Ordovician-Silurian times (Elliott & Johnson 1980). The Northern Highlands terrane records both Precambrian and late Ordovician to Silurian tectonometamorphic events (Dewey & Pankhurst 1970) and linkage with the Hebridean terrane is provided by slices of reworked Lewisian basement within the Moine Supergroup (Watson 1983). To the southwest of the Great Glen-Walls Boundary Fault system lies the Central Highlands (Grampian) terrane, an area dominated by the late Proterozoic Dalradian Supergroup which is underlain by a gneissic complex (Central Highland Granulites) that has been variously interpreted as either older