Mean Heat and Salt Budgets for the Eastern English Channel and Southern Bight of the North Sea

In an earlier study Pingree, Pennycuick & Battin (1975) used a diffusion model to study the monthly temperature distribution and heat exchange in the English Channel. This showed that the diffusion would have to be adjusted according to the tidal ellipses for an improvement in the predicted temperature distributions, and that advection was probably an important factor at certain times of year. An attempt to use the same model for prediction of the salinity distributions was unsuccessful due partly to lack of information on run-off, precipitation and evaporation. The present study is an attempt to provide an overall monthly mean heat and salt budget for the eastern English Channel and Southern Bight of the North Sea which could serve as a preliminary to a two-dimensional mixing/advection model in which the horizontal eddy diffusion is represented as a tensor based on the tidal ellipse properties (Hunter, 1975).

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