Multiple Sclerosis in French Canadians: Evidence for HLA Class II Susceptibility and Resistance Genes

HLA class II DRBI, DQB1 and DQA1 gene probes were used to study DNA from unrelated French Canadian multiple sclerosis (MS) patients and controls by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis. An MS-associated and linked series of allele-specific RFLPs or allogenotypes was identified among this relatively homogeneous ethnic group; the allogenotypes include DRwl5, DQw6 and a DQA1 allogenotype termed DQαlb. An additional allogenotype which cross-hybridizes with DQA1 and is termed DQA2 upper (DQA2U), was shown not only to be part of the MS-associated extended haplotype, but also to be independently associated with MS in DRwl5-negative patients. Conversely a second DQA2 allogenotype, termed DQA2 lower (DQA2L) and a DQB1 allogenotype (DQw7) linked to DQA2L showed negative correlations with MS. It seems likely that the relationship of the HLA class II gene region to MS is complex and that MS susceptibility may reflect interaction between disease susceptibility and resistance genes.