Constraints to the decays of Dirac neutrinos from SN 1987A

The wrong-helicity states of keV-mass Dirac neutrinos are emitted copiously from the cores of newly born neutron stars, including that associated with SN 1987A. If they decay into proper-helicity neutrinos—νe, νμ, ν¯e, or ν¯μ—they should have produced distinctive high-energy events in the Kamiokande II and Irvine-Michigan-Brookhaven detectors. The absence of such events excludes these decay modes for a Dirac neutrino of mass between order 1 and 300 keV and lifetime 109[mν/(1 keV )] sec ≲τ≲5×107[mν/(1 keV] sec. This places severe constraints on models for Simpson’s 17-keV neutrino.