Changes in non-cellulosic cell-wall polysaccharides during the growth of carrot cells in suspension cultures

The cell-wall composition of carrot (Daucus carota L.) cells has been studied during their growth in suspension culture. Pectic and hemicellulosic polymers were fractionated according to molecular size by a Sepharose 4B column. Polyuronides in the pectic fraction were resolved into high- and low-molecular-weight components. The low-molecular-weight polyuronides were relatively free of neutral sugars and showed a marked increase during the growth of the cell wall. Hemicellulosic polysaccharides were of disperse molecular size. As cell expansion proceeded, the contents of glucose and xylose in the high-molecular-weight region increased while those in the low-molecular-weight fraction decreased. Removal of auxin from the medium apparently caused degradation of high-molecular-weight polymers in both the pectic and hemicellulosic fractions.