Cerebrovascular Risk Factors and Stroke Subtypes

Background and Purpose—The excess risk of stroke seen in the black population has not been explained by differences in age, sex, and social class, although differences in the frequency of cerebrovascular risk factors may be partly responsible. Data on risk factor profiles for the UK black stroke population are sparse. Previous studies have contrasted the association of cerebrovascular risk factors between hemorrhagic and ischemic stroke and between etiologic subtypes of infarct. The relationship of cerebrovascular risk factors to clinical classifications of stroke, however, has been little examined. The aim of this study was to establish the frequency of cerebrovascular risk factors in patients with first-ever strokes in the South London, UK, population and to examine the relationship of these risk factors to both ethnicity and Bamford stroke subtype. Methods—The study included 1254 first-ever stroke patients registered in the South London Community Stroke Register between 1995 and 1998; 995 patients (79....