Why does the bud-galling sawfly, Euura mucronata, attack long shoots?

The bud-galling sawfly, Euura mucronata, attacked longer shoot length classes on its host, Salix cinerea, more frequently than shorter shoots. Shoot length accounted for 76 to 93 percent of the variance in number of galls per 100 shoots in three habitats: forest, watermeadow, and lakeside. The reasons for this pattern were addressed with studies on shoot length in relation to: 1. Number of resources (buds) per shoot; 2. Success in establishment of larvae in galls; 3. Gall size and resources per gall; and 4. Survival of larvae after establishment as influenced by plant resistance and natural enemy attack. The most important factors proved to be success in establishment of larvae, with percent of variance accounted for ranging from 57 to 77 percent in three of four sites where relationships were significant, and survival after establishment of larvae, with variance accounted for ranging from 40 to 54 percent in the same three sites. The pattern of survival was dictated by plant resistance and not by natural enemies. These two additive factors resulted in a general relationship across all sites of increasing emergence of fully developed larvae per cohort as shoot length increased, accounting for 78 percent of the variance. These adaptive advantages to attacking longer shoots are sufficient to account for the pattern of increased probability of shoots being attacked as they increase in length.