The nonlinear response of a two-component composite is studied. The first component is assumed to be nonlinear and obeys a current-voltage (I-V) characteristic of the form I=g1V+χ1 V3, while the second component is linear with I=g2V, where g1 and g2 are linear conductances of the constituents and χ1 is the nonlinear susceptibility. The volume fractions of the two components are p and q, respectively, and p+q=1. Near the percolation threshold, we identify two important limits: (i) the conductor-insulator (N/I) limit in which g2=0 and (ii) the superconductor-conductor (S/N) limit in which g2=∞. For the S/N case and below the percolation threshold (q<qc), the crossover voltage Vc, defined as the voltage at which the linear and nonlinear response become comparable, is found to have a power-law dependence Vc≈(qc-q)v as the percolation threshold is approached from below. For the N/I limit and above the percolation threshold (p>pc), the crossover current Ic is found to have a similar dependence Ic≈(p-pc )w as the percolation threshold is approached from above. By a connection between the nonlinear response of the random nonlinear composite problem and the relative conductance fluctuations of the corresponding random linear composite problem, the exponents w and v′ are found to be w=(κ+t)/2 and v′=(κ′+s)/2, respectively where κ and κ′ are noise exponents and t and s are conductivity exponents. Previously derived bounds and estimates on κ and κ′ were used to give reasonable estimates of the exponents w and v′. For a small but finite ratio h of poor to good conductances and right at the percolation threshold, the linear and nonlinear response functions are found to cross over from the fractal (h=0) to homogeneous (h=1) behavior. The scaling functions of the crossover voltage and current are obtained within the effective-medium approximation and numerical simulations. An excellent agreement with general scaling arguments is found.