We report on the exact results for the degree K, the diameter D, the clustering coefficient C, and the betweenness centrality B of a hierarchical network model with a replication factor M. Such quantities are calculated exactly with the help of recursion relations. Using the results, we show that (i) the degree distribution follows a power law PKKγ with γ=1+lnM/ln(M1), (ii) the diameter grows logarithmically as DlnN with the number of nodes N, (iii) the clustering coefficient of each node is inversely proportional to its degree, C1/K, and the average clustering coefficient is nonzero in the infinite N limit, and (iv) the betweenness centrality distribution follows a power law PBB2. We discuss a classification scheme of scale-free networks into the universality class with the clustering property and the betweenness centrality distribution.
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