Quantum Field Theory in the Large N Limit: a review

We review the solutions of O(N) and U(N) quantum field theories in the large $N$ limit and as 1/N expansions, in the case of vector representations. Since invariant composite fields have small fluctuations for large $N$, the method relies on constructing effective field theories for composite fields after integration over the original degrees of freedom. We first solve a general scalar $U(\phib^2)$ field theory for $N$ large and discuss various non-perturbative physical issues such as critical behaviour. We show how large $N$ results can also be obtained from variational calculations.We illustrate these ideas by showing that the large $N$ expansion allows to relate the $(\phib^2)^2$ theory and the non-linear $\sigma$-model, models which are renormalizable in different dimensions. Similarly, a relation between $CP(N-1)$ and abelian Higgs models is exhibited. Large $N$ techniques also allow solving self-interacting fermion models. A relation between the Gross--Neveu, a theory with a four-fermi self-interaction, and a Yukawa-type theory renormalizable in four dimensions then follows. We discuss dissipative dynamics, which is relevant to the approach to equilibrium, and which in some formulation exhibits quantum mechanics supersymmetry. This also serves as an introduction to the study of the 3D supersymmetric quantum field theory. Large $N$ methods are useful in problems that involve a crossover between different dimensions. We thus briefly discuss finite size effects, finite temperature scalar and supersymmetric field theories. We also use large $N$ methods to investigate the weakly interacting Bose gas. The solution of the general scalar $U(\phib^2)$ field theory is then applied to other issues like tricritical behaviour and double scaling limit.

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