Study of Bazett's K in Animals

Measurement of Q-T and cycle duration in 8 spp. showed that Bazett''s K(Q-T = K[image]cycle) may not be considered to be "Q_T corrected for heart rate," as K does not have a fixed arithmetic value. The fact that K is not an arithmetic constant does not prevent it from having considerable value. If the value of K and and its trend are known, they may be of use in determining whether the myocardium is improving or deteriorating. Both rate and duration of systole are detd. by a common fundamental condition of heart cells. Q-T or K and rate need not always change in a proportional manner or in the same direction. Strain raises K values above those expected at a given heart rate and increases in strain give still higher K values. In the agonal period, K decreases abruptly. It is believed that knowledge of K, compared with the expected value at any cycle length, gives more information than the Q-T measurement alone.