Soft-x-ray emission intensities inUIr3,UPt3, andUAu3

The N6,7 emission spectra of Ir, Pt, and Au in the compounds UIr3, UPt3, and UAu3 have been calculated. These calculations were performed with use of the fully relativistic self-consistent linear muffin-tin orbital (LMTO) band results for the densities of states and the LMTO potentials to calculate the radial transition probabilities and emission spectra. An induced Pt d character at EF that is just above the main part of the Pt 5d band and is due to U 5f–Pt 5d hybridization is found and shows up as a shoulder on the high-energy tail of the N6,7 spectra in this system. The calculations lead to different spectra in each material reflecting the difference in the 5d states in each material due to changes in the position and strength of hybridization to the U 5f band. Because the induced Pt d electronic structure occurs only through hybridization with itinerant U 5f electrons and is absent for localized U 5f electrons, an experimental check of these results for UPt3 is important.