Orbital character of states at the Fermi level in La2xSrxCuO4 and R2xCexCuO4 (R=Nd,Sm)

Polarization-dependent x-ray-absorption spectroscopy on the O 1s and Cu 2p edges using the non-surface-sensitive fluorescence method has been performed on single crystals of La2x Srx CuO4+δ, R2x Cex CuO4δ (R=Nd and Sm), and the insulating compound Ca0.86 Sr0.14 CuO2. The experimental results support the picture of a doped charge-transfer insulator. The symmetry of hole states on O and Cu sites has been determined. These have predominantly in-plane, i.e., O 2px,y and Cu 3dx2-y2 character. In p-type doped cuprates for 0<x<0.15 about 8% of the total number of hole states on O sites have O 2pz character, which probably originates from apical O sites. At higher dopant concentration, this number increases. In the n-type doped system 4–11 % of the O 2p states in the energy range of the upper Hubbard band have O 2pz character. In nearly all the systems investigated in this work the fraction of unoccupied Cu 3d3z2-r2 states with respect to the total number of Cu holes in the upper Hubbard band is 3±3 %. At higher energies a high spectral weight with Cu 3d3z2-r2 character (about 40% of the total amount of unoccupied Cu 3d states in the upper Hubbard band) is observed, which is probably caused by a hybridization with Cu 4s and 4p states. The implication of holes in nonplanar orbitals on high-Tc superconductivity in cuprates is discussed.