Preputial Gland Beta-Glucuronidase Response to Testosterone and to Two Anabolic Steroids

Castration of male rats produces a reduction in preputial gland β-glucuronidase concentration to one half the very high level noted in normal rats. In such castrated rats, though both preputial gland weight and its content of β-glucuronidase are increased by administration of small amounts of testosterone propionate, the enhancement in enzyme level is noted at a lower dose level. The preputial concentration of β-glucuronidase rapidly reaches a maximum with small doses of testosterone propionate (i.e., 0.05 mg) and declines with larger doses (0.5 mg). On the other hand, the total preputial β-glucuronidase per rat reaches a maximum at the 0.1 mg level and this persists through the higher dose range. The anabolic steroids, norethandrolone and androstanazole, in a dose of 1 mg over 10 days, produce effects similar to those of testosterone on preputial β-glucuronidase. (Endocrinology75: 273, 1964)