The possibility of incredibly cheap, fantastically large media for storage gives rise to a realistic LISP memory management scheme under which GC may be postponed for days, or even indefinitely; the idea is encapsulated in the acronym “DDI”—“GC? Don't Do It!”. Tertiary memory is used to archive pages of the LISP environment which are perhaps reclaimable, but which have not been proven so; whereas the standard technique of “paging” is used to swap active data from the main memory to a secondary store such as magnetic disk. Some scenarios are presented considering a variety of currently-available technologies, and of one speculative possibility—videodisc—by which a requisite compactifying GC would be done “overnight”, or over the weekend. With enough tertiary available, one design could last for over 12 years without a GC. “Write-once” memories, probably unusable for most applications, would not be at a disadvantage here.