Acute Hemodynamic Improvement by Thermal Vasodilation in Congestive Heart Failure

Background A warm-water bath (WWB) or sauna bath (SB) has generally been considered inappropriate for patients with severe congestive heart failure (CHF). However, a comprehensive investigation of the hemodynamic effects of thermal vasodilation in CHF has not been previously undertaken. Methods and Results To investigate the acute hemodynamic effects of thermal vasodilation in CHF, we studied 34 patients with chronic CHF (mean age, 58±14 years). Clinical stages were New York Heart Association functional class II in 2, III in 19, and IV in 13 patients. Mean ejection fraction was 25±9%. After a Swan-Ganz catheter was inserted via the right jugular vein, the patient had a WWB for 10 minutes at 41°C or an SB for 15 minutes at 60°C. Blood pressure, ECG, echo-Doppler, expiration gas, and intracardiac pressures were recorded before, during, and 30 minutes after each bath. Oxygen consumption increased mildly, pulmonary arterial blood temperature increased by 1.2°C, and heart rate increased by 20 to 25 beats per m...