Bench top Fourier transform infrared based instrument for simultaneously measuring surface spectral emittance and temperature

A bench top instrument has been constructed which allows for the measurements of radiance, directional‐hemispherical reflection, and directional‐hemispherical transmission from materials at elevated temperatures from 100 to over 2000 °C. The instrument measures these radiative properties over a wide spectral range, in the near‐ and mid‐IR, from 12 500 to 500 cm−1 (0.8–20 μm). These measurements are then processed to determine the spectral emittance of the material and the temperature at the point of measurement. The instrument has applications for (1) industrial quality control of radiative properties of processed materials; (2) research and development of new materials; (3) temperature measurement by optical techniques in the near‐ and mid‐IR; and (4) determination of heat transfer properties of materials. This article describes the instrument and its novel components, and presents measurement results for several materials.