On ergodic limits of normal states in quantum statistical mechanics

The asymptotic behavior for t→±∞ of S(t)=exp(−i H t)Sexp(+i H t) and its time average S̄ (t)=t−10tdu S(u) is discussed. Here is S an element of the Banach space B1 , constituted by the trace class of operators on the (separable or nonseparable) Hilbert space H , and H is the Hamiltonian, i.e., a bounded or unbounded self‐adjoint operator on H . Necessary and sufficient conditions are given for the existence of the limits S̄(± ∞) and S(± ∞) with respect to the weak topology on B1 , for the latter under the assumption that the continuous spectrum of H is absolutely continuous. In addition it is shown that if, for a normal state (density operator) ρ, ρ̄(t) has a weak limit, then the limit is again a normal state. This provides further insight in the nature of Emch's ``first ergodic paradox'' [G. G. Emch, J. Math. Phys. 7, 1413 (1966)].

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