MULTIPLE benign cystic epithelioma is frequently a hereditary affection that begins most commonly at the age of puberty. The lesions usually occur on the face and consist of numerous pinhead- to pea-sized, rounded, yellowish or pink nodules. The disorder has been described under the titles of trichoepithelioma papulosum multiplex, epithelioma adenoides cysticum, and acanthoma adenoides cysticum. ANCESTRY OF THE INDIANA FAMILY Shortly after the expedition of George Rodgers Clark, 1778-1779, a family destined to make dermatologic history settled in Princeton, Ind. The family name was Wh—, and they had migrated from the Carolinas. Little more was learned about their ancestry. Soon a person by the name of Wa— entered the outpost. He came from Ohio and was said to be of Scotch-Irish descent. According to rumors from his descendants "a lot of Indian blood" had accrued in his veins. This would not be surprising in view of conditions