Density of mucous glands in the normal adult nasal turbinates

On 13 normal inferior and middle turbinates the mucous membrane was freed, stained by the PAS-alcian blue whole-mount method, and the mean density of glandular orifices was determined by counting in 4 mm2 fields. The median density fell in both turbinates in the anteroposterior direction, being in the inferior turbinate 8.2 glands/mm2 anteriorly, 7.9 in the middle, and 7.1 glands/mm2 posteriorly. In the middle turbinate it was 8.4 glands/mm2 anteriorly, 8.1 in the middle, and 7.3 glands/mm2 posteriorly. There were no significant differences in median density between the medial and lateral wall or between the superior and inferior half of the inferior or middle turbinate as a whole. The median total number of glands in the inferior turbinate was 9,200 with a very wide interindividual range of 6,100–12,700. In the middle turbinate the median count was 6,700 glands and the range 4,400–11,500. The pathology of the mucous glands of the nose is discussed.