Das multifokale Elektroretinogramm in der Diagnostik und Verlaufskontrolle lokalisierter Netzhautfunktionsstörungen: Fallbericht eines Patienten mit Chorioretinopathia centralis serosa

The role of multifocal electroretinography (MF-ERG) in the diagnosis and follow-up of localized areas of retinal dysfunction is discussed. A 42-year-old male with the preliminary diagnosis of optic neuritis in his left eye was referred for evaluation with the MF–ERG. Simultaneous cone ERGs were obtained from 103 locations within the central 50 degrees of the retina. During an 8-month follow-up four MF–ERGs were obtained. Bilaterally reduced paracentral response amplitudes contradicted the preliminary diagnosis. Subsequently central serous chorioretinopathy was diagnosed. Follow-up showed normalization of the MF-ERG responses in the left eye while retinal function in the right eye showed initial worsening. The noninvasive MF–ERG lends itself to follow-up in patients with central serous chorioretinopathy.