Theoretical and Experimental Evaluation of Power Absorption in Elongated Biological Objects at and Beyond Resonance

The recently developed iterative extended boundary condition method (IEBCM) is used to calculate the average specific absorption rates (SAR's) in biological models of an average man and a sitting rhesus monkey at and beyond their resonance frequencies. The average SAR's for these objects are also experimentally determined in scaled saline phantoms. Close agreement thus found between the calculated and the measured SAR values validates the postresonance absorption calculations made using the novel IEBCM. Also, in order to check the adequacy of using the mixed basis functions in the IEBCM procedure, the SAR in a capped cylindrical model of an average man is calculated and the result verified experimentally. It is, therefore, concluded that to achieve an improved computational efficiency in the IEBCM, the choice of the basis functions for a particular lar subregion should be based on the geometry of that subregion.