Blocking of embryonic development in the Southern Cowpea Weevil, Callosobruchus maculatus (F.) (Col. Bruchidae), by some juvenile hormone analogues

The effects of three juvenile hormone analogues (JHA) on embryonic development of the southern cowpea weevil were studied. All compounds were sprayed in acetone solution to 1‐ and 3‐days‐old eggs, and all were found to have ovicidal activity. It was found that there was a negative, correlation between susceptibility and age of eggs. The two sesquiterpene analogues (Altozar and ZR‐619) exhibited pronounced ovicidal action and delayed effects. The third analogue (Ro 20–3600) which is a non‐sesquiterpene and possesses methylene‐dioxyphenyl group was the least active compound as an ovicide and did not reveal delayed effects.Zusammenfassung: Entwicklungshemmende Wirkungen einiger Juvenoide beim Borkenkäfer Callosobruchus maculatus (F.) (Col., Bruchidae)Das Besprühen der 1 und 3 Tage alten Eier von C. maculatus mit 3 hormonähnlich wirkenden Substanzen (Altozar, ZR‐619 und Ro 20‐3600) wirkte ovizid, wobei eine negative Korrelation zwischen der Empfindlichkeit und dem Alter der Eier bestand. Die 2 sesquiterpenen Analogen (Altozar und ZR‐619) hatten ausgesprochen ovizide und entwicklungshemmende Wirkung. Das eine, Methylen‐dioxyphenyl‐Gruppe enthaltende 3. Analogon, Ro 20‐3600, zeigte den geringsten oviziden Effekt und hemmte die Entwicklung nicht.