Summary Using a novel positive selection method for G3P transport activity, λ phages that carry either all or part of ugp, the genes of the pho regulon-dependent G3P transport system of Escherichia coli were isolated from a library of EcoRI fragments of Escherichia coli established in λgt7. By subcloning EcoRI fragments carried by the different phages into the multicopy plasmids pACYC184 and pUR222, it was shown that two chromosomal fragments of 6.0 and 6.6 kb are required for the expression of ugp, whereas all the structural information is located on the 6.6 kb EcoRI fragment. A restriction map of the cloned DNA was established and the extent of ugp genes determined by Tn5 insertions. Using ugp-lacZ fusions, it could be shown that the ugp region consists of at least two different operons that are transcribed in the same direction (counterclockwise) on the E. coli chromosome.