Oral glucose tolerance testing in cystic fibrosis: Correlations with clinical parameters and glycosylated haemoglobin determinations

In 48 patients (age 2–28 years) with documented cystic fibrosis, glucose tolerance was evaluated by means of an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) and repeated glycosylated haemoglobin (HbA1C) measurements. An impaired OGTT was found in 15 patients. Their degree of undernutrition and severity of lung and liver involvement were no different from those with normal glucose tolerance. The mean peak insulin concentration as well as the integrated insulin concentration during the OGTT were comparable with patients with normal glucose tolerance (GT) and those with an impaired tolerance (GI). The mean time to attain peak insulin levels was significantly delayed in the GI group. (117 min vs 86 minPP<0.01). The HbA1C levels at the moment of OGT testing were positively correlated with the glycaemic response during the OGTT. The repeated HbA1C measurements 1 year later were no different from the initial mean HbA1C values in both groups. Two GI patients with initial HbA1C levels of 7.5% and 11% respectively developed diabetes mellitus several months after testing. The need for serial HbA1C determinations in cystic fibrosis is questioned.