Hypertetraploid cells in vocal cord epithelia

DNA measurements yield information about the nature of cells and may provide diagnostic and prognostic information. Static cytofluorometry was performed on smears removed at microlaryngoscopy from 107 vocal cord lesions (96 patients). All stem cell lines were diploid except 3; 2 carcinomas and 1 severe dysplasia were polyploid. The mean proliferative activity (percentage of nuclei > diploid peak) was 2.1% for the group of epithelia with hyperplasia and mild dysplasia, 3.1% for those with moderate dysplasia, 4.0% for severe dysplasia, and 6.8% for carcinomas. Hypertetraploid cell nuclei (HT cells) were not found in epithelia with hyperplasia and mild dysplasia. Seven out of 15 patients with epithelia showing moderate dysplasia had HT cells; 5 of these patients developed a carcinoma. One of 8 without HT cells developed a severe dysplasia. Nine patients with severe dysplasia had HT cells; 4 had recurrences and 4 developed carcinoma within 4 years. In 14 patients without HT cells, 3 had recurrences and 1 developed a carcinoma 6 years later. HT cells were found in 15 patients with T1 and T2 carcinomas; residual carcinoma was present in 2 after radiotherapy and 4 had recurrences within 11 months. Fourteen patients with T1 and T2 carcinoma did not have any HT cells; one had residual carcinoma after radiotherapy and 3 had recurrences between 18 months and 4 years. DNA measurements and, especially, the demonstration of epithelia with HT cells prove to be of prognostic importance. There was a higher risk for patients with moderate and severe dysplasia with HT cells to have a recurrence or to develop a more severe disease than for those without HT cells (P < 0.001).