The purpose of this communication is to report two new cases of carcinoma of the infrapapillary portion of the duodenum and to review and analyze the previously reported authentic cases of this condition. Of sixty-two cases reported, twenty-eight were regarded as satisfactory,1 a clinical history and gross and microscopic descriptions of the tumor, obtained at laparotomy or at postmortem examination, being presented in each report. Eight2 additional cases, although probably authentic examples of this condition, were not included because the reported data were insufficient for our purposes. Twenty-four cases3 were discarded because the reports lacked a histologic description, and in two others4 the exact situation of the tumor was uncertain. The first reported example of a carcinoma of the infrapapillary portion of the duodenum is usually accredited to Chomel (1852), but the case described by Irwin in 1824 is probably a genuine example of this condition