L-Shell Fluorescence Yields in Elements BetweenZ=40 and 51

The partial L-shell fluorescence yields of eight elements between Z=40 and 51 have been determined using a coincidence counting method. Vacancies are created in the K shell by the photoelectric absorption of suitable radiations. The coincidence rate between the K and L x rays emitted subsequent to the ionizing event determines the partial L-shell fluorescence yield ωKL. The L x rays were observed with a proportional counter and the K x rays with a scintillation counter. The following values were obtained for ωKL: zirconium, 0.034±0.010; niobium, 0.036±0.010; palladium, 0.047±0.010; silver, 0.054±0.007; cadmium, 0.055±0.012; indium, 0.065±0.012; tin, 0.064±0.012; and antimony, 0.070±0.013.