Phase transitions in systems with a coupling to a nonordering parameter

The renormalization-group method is applied to the analysis of phase transitions in systems where the order parameter s is coupled to a nonordering additional variable y. A variety of critical and tricritical behaviors or first-order transitions is found as a function of the physical variables and possible macroscopic constraints imposed on the system. For s2y coupling, the correlation function of y was found to be governed by a correlation length which is proportional to that of the order parameter, and by a critical index ηy·ηy=22α; α here is the specific-heat exponent of the appropriate unconstrained system. The singular part of the susceptibility, χy, has a critical exponent equal to α, the true specific-heat exponent. When the coupling is s2y2, a weaker singularity of χy appears. The crossover between this behavior and the one typical to s2y coupling is calculated. y has a singular part with an exponent 1α, in the unconstrained case. The breakdown of the scaling law related to the correlation function of y in the constrained case is discussed.