Curie temperatures of the series of amorphous rare earth‐iron alloys RFe2 (where R=Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, and Y) have been determined from Belov‐Goryaga plots of the magnetization isotherms. The Curie temperature of GdFe2 is 500 K, and drops sharply (e.g., ErFe2 Tc=105 K2) as one proceeds to the right in the above series (decreasing R spin). The observed Curie temperatures exhibit a smooth variation with the DeGennes factor of the rare earth ion, with the zero spin limit YFe2 exhibiting no long‐range order. This is in marked contrast to the analogous crystalline Laves phase compounds for which YFe2 has a 535 K Curie temperature and which show a much weaker dependence on the rare earth spin. These results imply a more significant effect of the structural disorder on the direct Fe‐Fe exchange versus the RKKY Fe‐R and R‐R couplings. A molecular field model decsribing these interactions has been used to calculate the expected Curie temperature for both the amorphous and crystalline series. Overall agreement with the observed Tc’s was less satisfactory for the amorphous than for the crystalline materials.