Pharmacologic data are presented concerning the use in man of procaine penicillin in aqueous suspension. Admn. of 300,000 U. of crystalline procaine penicillin G in aqueous suspension produced demonstable serum penicillin concns. at 12 hrs. after admn. in all subjects and in 24 hrs. after injn. in 92% of subjects studied. Admn. of 600,000 U. of this material produced demonstrable serum penicillin concns. of 24 hrs. after injn. in all subjects. Penicillin levels differed from those following injn. of peanut oil[long dash]beeswax prepns. by the absence of a high initial peak shortly after injn. and the presence of a more uniform serum level during the 24 hrs. after admn. Slightly lower values were generally observed with the aqueous suspension than with procaine penicillin in a vegetable oil suspension. Ease of admn. and absence of untoward local or systemic reactions were uniformly observed with the admn. of procaine penicillin G in aqueous suspension.