Influence of NTA on the chromium genotoxicity∗

The influence of NTA on chromium genetic activity was studied in the D7 strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. At low dose (subgenotoxic) of sodium chromate (CrVI) (5mM), NTA increased the point mutation while at higher dose (25 mM) of chromate in the presence of NTA a decrease of point reverse mutation was observed. Probably NTA affected either the uptake of Cr(VI) favouring the intracellular reduction to Cr(III), or the recombinational repair of DNA breaks induced by chromate oxiding activity. An increase of point (reverse) mutation was obtained in the experiments with NTA and chromium chloride, suggesting the hypothesis that NTA might interact with Cr(III) forming NTA‐Cr(III) complexes able to permeate cellular membranes and bind to DNA. In addition NTA genetic inactivity was confirmed.