Regulation of angiotensin II receptors and steroidogenic responsiveness in cultured bovine fasciculata and glomerulosa adrenal cells

The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of several effectors on angiotensin II (A-II) receptors and steroidogenic responsiveness in cultured bovine fasciculata cells. Treatment of adrenal cells for 24 h with A-II (0.1 μM), corticotropin (1 nM), phorbol ester (PMA 0.1 μM), calcium ionophore A23187 (0.1 μM) and cyclic 8-bromoAMP (1 mM) produced a loss of A-II receptors whereas the A-II antagonist [Sar1-Ala8]A-II (0.1 μM) led to a small but significant increase. The extent of the down-regulation of receptors following maximal concentrations of A-II was greater than that produced by the other agents. The effects of A-II were dose-dependent with a ID50 of 3 nM. Since cycloheximide and actinomycin blocked the down-regulation of receptors, it seems likely that the effectors lead to the synthesis of certain proteins which inhibit the recycling of internalized receptors. Pretreatment of adrenal cells with A-II induced both homologous (90% decrease) and heterologous (corticotropin 83, PMA and ionophore 76% decrease) steroidogenic desensitization. However, the cAMP response to corticotropin of A-II-pretreated cells was higher (P < 0.001) than for control cells. Pretreatment with PMA and A23187 also resulted in both homologous and heterologous steroidogenic refractoriness but to a lesser degree than that induced by A-II. In contrast, corticotropin-pretreated cells responded normally to further stimulation with corticotropin or A-II. Similarly pretreatment of bovine adrenal glomerulosa cells with A-II (1 nM and 0.1 μM) and corticotropin (1 nM) also induced A-II receptor loss and steroidogenic refractoriness. The present findings indicate that, in contrast to the results reported in vivo in the rat, where A-II leads to up-regulation of its own receptors on glomerulosa cells and increases steroidogenic responsiveness, this peptide results in both down-regulation and desensitization in cultured bovine fasciculata and glomerulosa cells. Our results also emphasize the absence of correlation between A-II receptor loss and steroidogenic responsiveness.