Low-temperature photoluminescence of epitaxial InAs

Photoluminescence studies as well as reflectance and transmittance measurements were performed on high‐purity epitaxial InAs grown by metal‐organic chemical‐vapor deposition. We report the optical identification of excitonic, donor, and acceptor impurity related transitions at a temperature of 1.4 K. Measurements at higher temperature and in the presence of magnetic fields up to 7 T support these identifications. We find the excitonic band gap at 415.65±0.01 meV according to the minimum in the polariton reflectance feature. The donor–acceptor‐pair and acceptor‐bound exciton transitions for three different acceptors are observed by photoluminescence, and we tentatively associate one of them to a double acceptor formed by a Ga impurity on an As lattice site. A donor‐bound exciton transition is observed with a binding energy of 0.42 meV. The magnetic field dependence yields values of the electron effective mass and g factor of (0.026±0.002)m0 and −15.3±0.2, respectively, in good agreement with values obtained by other techniques. Furthermore, we report a deep luminescence band of unknown origin at ∼375 meV, related to drastic temporal changes in the band‐edge photoluminescence intensity.