Endoscopic bilateral neck exploration versus quick intraoperative parathormone assay (qPTHa) during endoscopic parathyroidectomy: A prospective randomized trial

Quick intraoperative parathormone assay (qPTHa) during paratyroidectomy has become a standard procedure for patients with primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT). This paper aims to compare endoscopic bilateral neck exploration (BE) versus focused parathyroidectomy plus qPTHa during minimally invasive video-assisted parathyroidectomy (QM). The endpoints of the study are the mean operative time and outcome of the surgical procedure (PTH and calcemia normalization at one and six months postoperatively). Forty patients with PHPT, positive to preoperative localization studies (ultrasonography evaluation and 99Tc-MIBI scan) for a single parathyroid adenoma, were randomly allotted into two groups. In the first group (QM), 20 patients (17 women, three men, mean age 57.6 years) underwent focused endoscopic parathyroidectomy (MIVAP tecnicque) plus qPTHa . In the second group (BE) 20 patients (17 women, three men, mean age 59.6 years) underwent endoscopic parathyroidectomy plus bilateral exploration in order to check the integrity of the remaining glands. There were no significant differences between groups at baseline. No conversion to cervicotomy was required. No postoperative complications were reported. The mean operative time was 32.0 vs 33.1 min [BE and QM group respectively, p = not significant (ns)]. A second macroscopically enlarged gland was removed in four patients in the BE group. Only one out of four glands was reported to be hyperplastic in the final histology. All patients were discharged on the first postoperative day. Calcemia levels were normalized in all patient of both groups, despite persistently high level of serum PTH in one patient in the QM group. BE can be performed endoscopically, avoiding both the time necessary for qPTHa and its cost, with the same effectiveness, but might in few cases lead to the unjustified removal of parathyroid glands slightly enlarged but not necessarily pathologic.