Nematic liquid crystal in a tube: The Fréedericksz transition

We study the configurations of a nematic liquid crystal confined between two concentric cylinders, of radii r1 and ρr1>r1, with homeotropic anchoring conditions at the walls. For ρ<ρc=exp[π √(Kb/Ks) ] the director is purely radial, while for ρ>ρc the director ‘‘escapes into the third dimension’’ and gains an axial component. This represents a geometrically induced Fréedericksz-like transition. When combined with a radial field and a nematic liquid crystal with a dielectric anisotropy ε-ε>0, the critical voltage of the Fréedericksz transition can be made arbitrarily small. This is of interest for liquid-crystal displays, since in the planar geometry the critical voltage is a material constant. A related temperature-induced Fréedericksz-like transition is expected in semiflexible nematic polymers.