The pattern of mycobacterial antigen recognition in sera from Mantoux-negative individuals is essentially unaffected by bacilli Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccination in either South India or London

Paired sera were obtained before and 8 weeks after routine BCG vaccination from 20 PPD‐S Mantoux‐negative individuals who were living adjacent to the Chingleput BCG vaccine trial area in Tamil Nadu and from seven Mantoux‐negative school‐children in London. UK. Most subjects became Mantoux‐positive after vaccination. In ELISA tests against soluble extracts of BCG or Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv or against PPD‐S, pre‐vaccination antibody titres of South Indian subjects were about twice those of British subjects but there was no increase in titre of antibodies after vaccination of either population. Western blotting showed that even before vaccination, and even in British subjects, antibodies were present that recognized numerous antigenic components in extracts of BCG and M. tuberculosis. There was no consistent difference between band patterns with South Indian and British subjects and any effect of vaccination on the patterns was minimal.

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