The Immunopathogenesis of Glomerulonephritis Associated with Mixed Cryoglobulinemia

"Essential" mixed cryoglobulinemia is characterized by dependent purpura, arthralgia and weakness and is frequently associated with glomerulonephritis.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 "Essential" or Type II2 cryoglobulins are a mixture of monoclonal immunoglobulin (Ig) and polyclonal IgG, with the former possessing antibody activity against the latter.1 2 3 Most Type II cryoglobulins are composed of IgM-IgG,1 2 3 but IgG-IgG2 and IgA-IgG2 , 8 9 10 cryoglobulins have also been reported. The glomerulonephritis of mixed cryoglobulinemia is thought to be due to the deposition of immune complexes composed of IgM (or other monoclonal Ig's), which represents antibody, and IgG, which represents antigen, but this hypothesis has not been thoroughly documented.2 , 4 It is also . . .

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