Electrophysiological characteristics of renorenal reflexes in the cat.

1. Experiments were done in anaesthetized, paralysed and artificially ventilated cats to determine the fibre composition of renal nerves and to study the functional characteristics of reflex responses recorded in efferent renal nerves during electrical stimulation of contralateral and ipsilateral afferent renal nerves. 2. Renal nerves were found to contain three afferent fibre groups (Abeta, Adelta and C); the majority of these fibres reach the sympathetic chain through the least splanchnic nerve. Efferent sympathetic nerves to the kidney were found to originate from the greater, lesser and least splanchnic nerves through a synapse in the coeliac ganglion. 3. Two contralateral renorenal reflex responses were demonstrated during selective stimulation of renal afferent A and C fibres. The first (A renorenal reflex) was elicited by stimulation with trains of pulses at low voltage and high frequency (200 Hz), had an onset latency of approximately 100 msec and was followed by post‐excitatory depression. The second (C renorenal reflex) was demonstrated by trains of pulses at high voltage and low frequency (20‐‐30 Hz), had an onset latency of approximately 350 msec and was also followed by post‐excitatory depression. 4. Ipsilateral renorenal reflexes with characteristics similar to the contralateral reflexes were also demonstrated. 5. Renorenal reflexes were abolished by destruction of the spinal cord and administration of nicotine sulphate (5‐‐20 mg/kg, i.v.), but were not affected by bicuculline (0.4 mg/kg, i.f.). 6. The significance and the physiological role of these renorenal reflexes as well as their pathways within the central nervous system remain to be determined.