Nachweis und Bestimmung von Cystein in Wolle mit l-Fluor-2.4-dinitrobenzol

Untreated wool as well as wool treated with potassium cyanide, caustic soda, epichlorhydrin, sodium bisulfite, sodium bicarbonate and acetone, phenol, acetate buffer, wool heated 2 hours at 200[degree], and wool weathered for 5 months were hydro-lyzed with l-fluorine-2,4-dinitrobenzol at pH 5.0 and 60[degree]. S-Dinitro-phenyl cysteine can be separated from the hydrolyzate by paper electro-phoresis. The isolated compound was determined by spectrophotometry at 330 mu. By this new method the minimum content of cysteine in the wool preparations was determined.

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