Mutant strains of Escherichia coli K-12 have been isolated in which the synthesis of 3-deoxy- d -arabinoheptulosonic acid-7-phosphate (DAHP) synthetase (trp) is partially constitutive. The mutation causing derepression is closely linked to aroH [the structural gene for DAHP synthetase (trp)] and occurs in a locus designated aroJ . The aroJ mutation is not recessive in an aroJ + / aroJ diploid strain, as the synthesis of DAHP synthetase (trp) is still derepressed in this strain. On the basis of its close linkage to aroH and its continued expression in an aroJ + / aroJ diploid, it is postulated that aroJ is an operator locus controlling the expression of the structural gene aroH . In support of this conclusion, the synthesis of anthranilate synthetase is still normally repressible in aroJ strains, whereas, in trpR strains, both DAHP synthetase (trp) and anthranilate synthetase are synthesized constitutively. The synthesis of DAHP synthetase (trp) remains repressible in an operator-constitutive mutant of the tryptophan operon. In two trpS mutants which possess defective tryptophanyl transfer ribonucleic acid synthetase enzymes, neither DAHP synthetase (trp) nor anthranilate synthetase derepress under conditions in which the defective synthetase causes a decrease in growth rate. On the other hand, an effect of the trpS mutant alleles on the level of anthranilate synthetase has been observed in strains which are derepressed for the synthesis of this enzyme, because of a mutation in the gene trpR . Possible explanations for this effect are presented.