
Histopathological, immunocytochemical, and electron microscopical investigations were carried out in a man with a protracted history of spastic paraparesis, adrenal insufficiency and hypogonadism. Pathological findings were identical with those of the few previously reported cases of adrenomyeloneuropathy (AMN) including cytoplasmic lamellar inclusions consisting of two parallel 2.5 nm leaflets separated by a clear space of variable extent, in the brain, spinal roots, adrenal gland, and interstitial cells of the testis. No inclusions could be found in oligodendrocytes. In brain macrophages they are thought to represent breakdown products of pathological myelin stored in lysosomes, whereas in other localizations they might be an expression of the primary metabolic defect of the cell. Special attention was paid to the pseudosystematic type of fiber tract degeneration in the spinal cord. The dying-back pattern of axonal destruction was interpreted as a possible result of the multisegmental demyelination observed in these tracts. All known hormones could be localized in the pituitary by immunocytochemistry. Corticotrophs and gonadotrophs were numerous. The structural damage of the adrenal cortex and the interstitial cells of the testis is, therefore, considered to result from the inborn error of metabolism on the one hand and from an enhanced stimulation exerted by ACTH and gonadotrophins on the other.