Effects of Light and Inhibitors on Glutamate Metabolism in Leaf Discs of Vicia faba L

Metabolism of [14C]glutamate was studied in leaf discs of Vicia faba L. in light and in darkness. In white light glutamine was the main labeled product. In the dark label was principally in compounds closely associated with tricarboxylic acid cycle metabolism, predominantly aspartate. Entry of label from glutamate into tricarboxylic acid metabolism appeared to be at least partially by decarboxylation of glutamate to γ-amino butyric acid, followed by conversion to succinate. 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1, 1-Dimethylurea inhibited light-enhanced synthesis of glutamine and caused reversion toward the dark pattern of metabolism. Methionine sulfoximine severely inhibited glutamine synthesis and caused accumulation of labeled malate.