Distribution and degradation of albumin in extensive skin disease

Distribution and degradation of albumin were determined in 12 patients with extensive skin disease and in 10 controls by measuring the metabolic turnover and transcapillary escape of 131I-albumin. The ratio of intravascular to total mass of albumin was normal. The observed hypoalbuminemia and the low intravascular mass reflected a reduced mass of total body albumin. The rate of synthesis was normal but the transcapillary escape rate reflecting the microvascular leakiness to macromolecules and the fractional disappearance rate were significantly higher in patients than in controls (P < 0.001). Hypoalbuminemia in these patients was the result of an increased endogenous catabolism of albumin without significant loss via urine, stools or skin. A positive correlation between transcapillary escape rate and fractional catabolic rate of albumin supported the concept of a causal relationship between these parameters.