A Phenomenological Model for the Interaction of Solar p-Modes with Active Regions

[[abstract]]Adopts a phenomenological approach to study the interaction of solar p-mode waves with magnetic regions. The authors assume that the interaction can be described by a complex index of refraction. The real part of the index of refraction corresponds to the change of phase velocity and the imaginary part to the dissipation. The authors introduce the complex index of refraction to describe the presence of the magnetic field. The authors derive a wave equation by considering the effect of the complex index of refraction as a source. This wave equation is solved with a method of Green's functions and the Born approximation. The authors discuss the properties of scattered waves and apply the general result to axisymmetric sunspots. The authors use a solar model to calculate absorption coefficients and phase shifts for several horizontally uniform axisymmetric sunspots[[fileno]]2010104010008[[department]]物理

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