Dermatitis herpetiformis and celiac disease are both primarily associated with the HLA‐DQ (α1*0501, (β1*02) or the HLA‐DQ (α1*03, (β1*0302) heterodimers

HLA‐DRB1, ‐DQA1, and ‐DQB1 genomic typing of 50 patients with dermatitis herpetiformis and of 290 healthy blood donors was performed. Genes encoding the DQ (α1*0501, (β1*02) heterodimer were carried by 43 (86%) of the patients and 72 (25%) of the controls. Of die remaining seven patients six (12% of all the patients) carried genes encoding the DQ (α1*03, β1*0302) heterodimer. These HLA associations are very similar to those observed in patients with celiac disease. We thus conclude that dermatitis herpetiformis and celiac disease are associated to the very same HLA‐DQαβ heterodimers.