1. In the freshwater cyclopoid copepod, Cyclops strenuus abyssorum Sars, yolk volume rarely exceeds about 20% of thoracic volume. This upper limit is nearly reached in all months of the year in Esthwaite Water, only in April and May in Rydal Water and Grasmere, and never in Buttermere, where the highest value was 8%. 2. In Esthwaite Water, thoracic volume is larger at all seasons than in the other three lakes investigated. Consequently, mean clutch size could never be as high in Rydal Water, Grasmere or Buttermere as in Esthwaite Water for this reason only. 3. Artificial feeding in the laboratory on nauplii of brine-shrimp nearly doubled mean clutch size of females from Rydal Water and Buttermere, and caused females in Buttermere to start breeding in October, although in the lake they do not do so until February or March.