Induction of heat shock‐like proteins in Vigna sinensis seedlings growing under ultraviolet‐B (280‐320 nm) enhanced radiation

The effect of ultraviolet‐B (UV‐B) enhanced fluorescent radiation on protein profile and protein synthesis has been investigated in Vigna sinensis L. cv. Walp seedlings growing at various temperatures. In seedlings growing at 30°C, UV‐B radiation decreased the level of several proteins as seen in Coomassie brilliant blue stained gel. However, fluorography of the same gel indicates induction of three sets of proteins in the range of 70. 53 and 16 k Da. Such induction under UV‐B enhanced radiation resembled that found after heat shock treatments. In seedlings at 10 and 20°C, induction of such proteins varied both qualitatively and quantitatively. At 40°C. UV‐B enhanced radiation caused a cumulative effect with temperature. Strong induction of specific proteins by UV‐B radiation in seedlings growing under normal temperature indicates a possible protective role.