Large doses of stilbestrol caused only a slight wt. increase in the oviducts of chicks fed on a diet deficient in Lactobacillus casei factor. L.C.F. was given either as the aq. soln. of crystalline material or as a concentrate. Estrogen-treated chicks received 0.5 mg. of stilbestrol in 0.1 ml. of corn oil subcut. on each of 6 days before autopsy. There was a striking difference between oviduct wte. after stilbestrol administration in L.C.F.-deficient chicks and in supplemented controls. Pantothenic acid-deficient chicks showed growth failure comparable to that in the L.C.F.-deficient animals and displayed substantial oviduct responses to stilbestrol. L. casei is essential for normal metabolism of stilbestrol in the chick.