The Resonance Raman Spectrum of the Poly(vinyl alcohol)-Iodine Complex

The resonance Raman spectra were observed from dilute aqueous solutions of the poly (vinyl alcohol)-iodine complex, using the He–Ne 632.8 run and Ar+ ion 488.0 nm lines for excitation. Two kinds of poly (vinyl alcohol) were used; one (A) had the degree of polymerization of 500, and the other, (B) 2000. For both samples, the resonance Raman spectra taken with the 632.8 nm line are similar to that of the starch-iodine complex, the intensity of the Raman band at 155 cm−1 being strongly enhanced. This band is assigned to the antisymmetric stretching vibration of the I3− ion aligned in the helical poly(viny alcohol) molecule. On the other hand, the intensity of the Raman band at 106 cm−1 is enhanced for Sample A when the 488.0 nm line is used for excitation. This band is assigned to the symmetric stretching vibration of the I3− ion. Its overtones were observed until the sixth. It is clear that the enhancement of the intensities of the 155 and 106 cm−1 bands is closely connected with the absorption bands at 670 and 490 nm respectively.

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